
One of my favorite writing opportunities I'm lucky to be a part of is for the Let's Play community. Let's Play is a partnership between Dr Pepper/Snapple and KaBOOM, a non-profit organization dedicated to getting kids to play (and not video games either). This is a short post about siblings at play.

My siblings and I during much younger days
When it comes to how well my children get along, I consider myself lucky. Sure they have their fair share of spats, but the nature and frequency of these moments would, I suppose, fall under the category of “normal” – if there is such a thing. (Then again, none of my five kids are teenagers either, so there is plenty of time for arguments in the future!) For the moment, though, I’ll gladly take a tiff about a video game selection or a toy’s legal owner over, say, a knock-down, drag-out involving the same girl- or boyfriend. (With a 12 year-old, two nine year-olds, an eight year-old, and an almost seven year-old, I am not naïve enough to think this won’t someday happen. Sigh.)

Until that near apocalyptic event occurs, however, I’m storing away mental images of the kids pretending to be Star Wars characters as they chase each other around the Galactic cul-de sac on their speeder bikes. Sometimes they are one big bunch; at others, they break down into groups of two or three and go off in separate directions. After a while, everyone switches, and they reform based on who wants to play volleyball and who wants to dig holes in the flower garden.

Read the conclusion at Let's Play

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