How Social Media Ruined Me as a Parent
I’ve been blogging for a little over six years now, seven if
you count that first year when I posted nothing but inane drivel. In that time
I also gained familiarity with the various social media channels—Facebook,
LinkedIn, Google+, the Twitters, etc. And while blogging provided me with an
outlet to work through my journey as a stay-at-home dad, social media granted
access to a community of fellow parent bloggers sharing their own stories.
Eventually this lead to substantial freelance gigs, a published
book, speaking engagements, and media
appearances, not to mention numerous chances to participate in campaigns
with major consumer brands. My experience soon resulted in a position as a
social media marketing specialist which then morphed into a content marketing
strategist before I earned my current title as online marketing manager. In the
blogging world such accomplishments are generally considered milestones of
success, and I am exceedingly grateful for all the doors my modest blog has
opened for me and my family. Despite this, though, in some respects I feel
social media has ruined me as a parent.