'Tis the Season (For School Shopping)

August is upon us and with it comes the beginning of another school year. Hard to believe summer went by so fast—that’s what we say when making small talk with the other parents waiting in line to purchase washable markers, safety scissors, and non-toxic (edible) glue required for the first day of classes. My five kids will be spanning grades from kindergarten to middle school which translates into a lot of preparation beforehand, and this year more so than last.

Because we moved, my stepdaughters will be attending a new elementary school—one that requires uniforms. Actually, it’s a dress code, but still, my wife and I anticipated balking from the girls, especially Allie who takes her appearance way more seriously than any eight year-old should. Not so as it turns out.

Read the rest here at Houston Family Magazine

By the way, there's still time to register for the Modern Media Man Summit, September 9 - 11th in Atlanta. If you come, look me up--first round of drinks is on me!

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