All Kinds Of Stuff, All Kinds Of Questions
All Kinds of Stuff
The girls started at their new school yesterday, and despite their anxieties, they actually survived. When I asked how things went, ever true to their personalities, they each had differing opinions. Avery informed me through a beaming smile that her first best friend had a crush on her. Allie was less enthusiastic, pointing out all the negatives which included being assigned to a front-row seat. I tried to refocusing her attitude by having her name three good things about the day. She thought for a minute. "Nothing, nothing and nothing." Allie's never been one to embrace change. Needless to say, she's reeeeeally looking forward getting away from school and going on the cruise next week (unlike her stepfather who has yet to reconcile the physics of a large hunk of metal floating in an even larger expanse of water).

September is going to fly by at a crazy pace. After the cruise, there's the Modern Media Man Summit, which I'm even more excited about after PJ Mullen (Real Men Drive Minivans) and Chris Singer (Stay-At-Home Dad in Lansing) contacted me to say they would be in coming. (Incidentally, you can still get tickets aaaaaand be entered in a drawing to win an iPad. See here for details.) Hell, I haven't even purchased a new pair of shoes for this thing! What? Isn't that the sort of thing you're supposed to talk about incessantly for the two weeks prior to a blogging conference? Okay, whatever. I'm just taking my cues from what I've seen on Twitter.

Following M3, I'm having a medical procedure preformed on me. I'm not going to say, but you can get a clue from Home and Uncool. (And no, there are no aliens involved.) A week after this, I'll be walking around all funny-like amongst the bloggers at the Type A Mom Conference in Asheville, NC. Why will I be there? Two reasons: One, I'll be reading excerpts from Sugar Milk at Malaprop's Bookstore on the 23rd. And two, Kelby Carr and the organizers have put together a series of Dad Tracks sessions, one of which includes Megan (Velveteen Mind) and myself talking about what dad bloggers can learn from the years of experience gained by the moms. Tickets are still available for this conference as well, and there is a discount for dads (enter the code #dadtrack to receive the savings).
October is clear... as far as I know. Unless I attend the At-Home Dads Convention in Omaha, Nebraska. Tickets are still available for this great gathering which has been going on for 15 years now. (And we thought this SAHD thing was so new.)
All Kinds of Questions
Over the past couple days a few new interviews have been posted. Yes, more of me talking about me. However, both the interviewers, Chris Singer, who also manages Book Dads, and Parenting Squad Editor, Lela Davidson do a fabulous job of making me (there's that word again) sound more interesting than I really am. One of these refers to Sugar Milk as "a flipped over chick lit novel" (that's good right?) and in the other interview, you'll find out the (working) title of my next planned book. You'll have to check out both to find out which is which.
Finally, if you do nothing else, please take a moment to help in the fight against the painful and potentially deadly autoimmune disease Juvenile Myositis. Vote for the CureJM Foundation as they are in the running to receive a $250K grant from Pepsi to fund research in putting an end to JM. It's as simple as three clicks. And if you would, please share with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers too. Thanks!