The Father's Day Conspiracy
To me Father’s Day isn’t so much a day of appreciation for our fatherly efforts as much as it is a symbolic reminder of what a revolutionary figure I and millions of other stay-at-home dads (SAHD) are in bucking the standards for this holiday. And just what standards am I referring to? The standards set by the greeting card industry, specifically Hallmark.
It’s a well known fact according to the Internet that, along with three other major corporations, Hallmark secretly controls the world. While Apple, Google and Walmart regulate technology, information, and foreign trade respectively, Hallmark dictates how people see holidays and special occasions. Conspiracy enthusiasts refer to these companies as “The Quadrilateral Alliance”—a union so powerful it even pulls the Masons’ strings.
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Brought to you by the fine community at Dad-Blogs and their Fatherhood Friday Series.