Superman Doesn't Like Cleaning Up Your Messes
No matter how many times I repeat myself, scream, threaten--whatever, the girls (to include my wife) can't seem to grasp the concept of picking up after themselves. They will pull down a game; play half way through it; leave it on the floor (they also have follow-through issues); and then pull some other dumb thing out to mess with. Twenty minutes later, their bedroom looks like a helicopter tried to land in it... upside down. I could provide examples of my wife's proficiency in this matter, but I've long since given up that fight in the name of love (and my sanity).
But of all the things these people "forget" to clean up, I think throwing away the empty toilet paper rolls grates on my nerves more than anything else. For the heck of it, I've refused to clean them up on my own just so I can see how many will pile up before someone else takes action. The worst part of it is, the trash can is RIGHT NEXT to the TP holder! Yesterday, though, had a breakthrough... or at least I thought we did.
Later that evening while downloading the latest Java update, I inadvertently hacked into a video surveillance feed from a satellite owned by Halliburton and Kentucky Fried Chicken. They claim it's for conducting market research, but I'm a little suspicious as to how they managed to capture this footage in my bathroom. In any case, I now know exactly what happened to the TP roles. See for yourself.
When I watched this the first time, there were a couple frames that seemed a bit fuzzy so I had a buddy over in Homeland Security blow them up for me.
Yeah, that's what I thought....
...Superman doesn't like picking up after the girls any more than I do.

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