Summer Reading List: Blogs That Are Super.
By the time you're reading this, I'm probably doing... uh, at... well, I'm not sure, but hopefully the weather is good and the kids are having fun. In the meantime, this is a post I've been planing for a long while- like since February (only then, it wasn't called a summer reading list). What I mean to say is there have been a number of new bloggers I've bumped into along with many other blogs already on my list that people should be reading if they are not already. Some are old, some are new, but they are all good. When reading them, it's easy to imagine having them over for dinner to engage in some great conversation, and lots of laughs. I hope that you will feel the same too.
A while back, I had been handing out this award, Blogs That Are Super, but for whatever reason, I got sidetracked. So, in putting together this list, it only seemed appropriate to resurrect this award for such a distinguished group. To the awardees, as far as the what to do with the award itself - please feel free to post it on your own blog and pass it along to others who you feel the same about. I realize it's not much, but I never feel like I express my appreciation enough to such an incredible bunch.

The Struggling Writer (and fellow Quaker)
Square Peg Guy - (an engineer looking for universal truth - love that)
Joanie (who likes to "ramble" and I like to listen to)
Steely Dad (he had me at the picture in his header)
Blogging Mamma (one of the nicest people I've ever met & just back from Europe)
I Need a Martini Mom (Vodka Mom) & Lost and Found In India (Braja) - I would give my left, uh... arm to get these two talking in the same room together - hilarious & insightful (but mostly hilarious)
You can't not love someone like Tracy at I Hate My Message Board
Not quite Cajun, not quite from Ireland, but he can definitely write at Irish Gumbo
Life with Tony - the only Jedi Knight in Las Vegas
Talking about Jedi's, check out Seattle's Sith Lord at Luke I Am Your Father
Anyone that names their blog Facts Are Strickly Optional has to work for the government
I wish this guy was my school's principal - down to earth and on the money in Maugeritaville
An Officer and a Garbage Can where you'll meet a great mom who raise some outstanding boys.
Follow A Day in the Life of a tattooed-minvan-driving soccer mom.
Who won't be Sane without Drugs
She says she's Not a Science Geek, but she really is pretty smart
A Canuk that's keeping it real at No Botox Allowed
You wanna get in shape? Then you need to be in contact with The Fit Dad
A great SAHD with a gorgeous little girl Bella Daddy
This guy is F-U-N-N-Y, but that's because he's Out-Numbered
And last but not least, my bestest blogging buddy, Eric who just realized a few months ago, OMG I'm A Daddy! (and he's a good one)
That certainly is not the entire list, but I will save them for the next go around. Enjoy your summer reading.