The Creepiest Commercials... EVER!

People, these quite frankly are the creepiest commercials I have ever seen. Am I crazy?

I hope this dude doesn't have a creamy middle. And for crying out loud want guy in his right mind wants to smell like a Hershey bar?

I guess this next one is supposed to be a beauty mask of sorts, but with the absence of anyone talking and the eerie soundtrack, I'm thinking something else.

"Always wanted to be a serial killer, but never felt like you had the right look for it? Then you need the Psycho Mask! The Psycho Mask is guaranteed to turn you into a knife-wielding lunatic in 30 days or less or we'll send your money back! Show the ones you love who you really are. Show them you're a monster with a task for blood! Get the Psycho Mask today while supplies last! But wait! Buy now and we'll throw in a set of stainless steel cutlery just for trying the Psycho Mask. Call the number at the bottom of the screen TODAY! ...or we'll take a claw hammer to your head."

And for the little psycho in your life get them Baby Laugh A Lot...

This what would happen if Willie Wonka and Satan joined forces to start an ad agency.

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