Adult Fun With Toys...

Ok, Don't get freaked about the title (No doubt that Google AdSense will be running -well, let's just say they won't be Tyra ads, thank goodness). It's a well known fact that Ashley and I share the same sense of humor as witnessed in her many blog posts featuring "The Creepy Babies," so the fact that we take time out of our daily rat race to pose the girls' toys for one another to discover is just a fact of regular life around here.

The other day, Ashley was away at a school function for the girls and returned to find these ghastly scenes.

Drinkin' Buddies

Hound gets a hold of Chicken

Care Bears might appear all nice and furry, but they're still carnivores.

And this post just wouldn't be complete without one Creepy Baby picture...

meet "Shrunken Head Creepy Baby."

I'm pretty sure Ash and I have no plans to grow up anytime soon.

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