Thoughts & Prayers Please


If you could keep a close friend of mine from the Army in your prayers. He's an infantry company commander (A captain in charge of about 100 troops) in Bagdhad. He and his men are in the worst sector of the area and just had 14 men killed this week - 9 of them in one IED incident prompting a withdrawal from the area. In the movies where you see a commander writing letters home to the families - that's not a cliche and my buddy has to do that for each of the soldiers he lost.

In addition the Battalion Commander (My buddy's boss) just lost his 15 y/o son who died at home mysteriously. Being half-way around the world in the ultimate stress-environment and having one of your children die from causes unknown is about the worst thing that can happen to a parent. My friend's unit has been in Bagdhad for almost a year and has another 6 months to go. He has a wife and two kids back home.

Please say a prayer for him, his men, his boss and all their families. Thanks

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