Just Another Manscape Monday: Haiti

This might turn out to be the worst idea I've ever had or I might make it a regular thing where I try to cheer everyone up at the beginning of the week by allowing them to poke fun of me for tweezing, and trimming, and using hair products while also posting a video from Coldplay or similar such uncool bands.

This one's from Coldplay's Hope For Haiti performance. If you'd like to make a donation, you still can at Hope For Haiti Now; donations start as little as $25.

Now, let the hatin' on "Clark Kent" begin. But, before you do here's a shout out to some great Dad Blogs you should become acquainted with:

Carrying a Cat by the Tail

Juggling Eric

Musings From The Big Pink

Dad Logic

PS - I'm still out of town, but will catch up with everyone when I get back. Thanks.

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