Just got some great exposure for the book - Ellen Wulfhorst at Reuters News did a story on stay-at-home dads in the financial sector and mentioned Sugar Milk. The girls and I were also fortunate enough to get a few photos taken of us as well. Good thing they cleaned up their room! Richard Carson was the photographer, and he did a great job with the girls - didn't even bat an eye when Avery announced that *&#@ was a swear word she learned watching The Simpsons. (Her mom lets her - not me!)
You can read the story and see the photos on Reuters (HERE). It's been a thrill to see the momentum Sugar Milk has been getting just in the pre-sale stage. But I'm trying to not get too crazy just yet; I'll feel better once I see a copy off the presses.
Official website will be rolling out in less than a week and Saturday's another radio interview on Blog Talk Radio. Thanks all!