Pixie Discovers Clark Kent's Location!

And we have a winner! Giggle Pixie! from Caffeine and Cabernet (she actually nailed it on the previous post, but I wanted to give everyone a fighting chance). I know there's been some controversy over The Man of Steel being a little light in the tights, but to be discovered in the closet by fairies is just a coincidence. Dear Ms. Giggling Pixie, please email me your choice and mailing address so I may send out your REWARD

Here's how the clues fit together. The dark place was the bedroom master closet where Clark was trying to find some peace and quiet amid Lois's Jimmy Choos and his own Kenneth Coles. The closet is also where the dirty clothes go to include his 'dodgy' tights.

Clark is a cookie freak and likes to snack on them with lots of milk handy, and Girl Scout Cookies top his list of favorites. That being the case, as soon as they go on sale he gets in so much of a hurry that he'll walk off with a scout's sash and only half his order form.

Why did he need to cookies? To snack on in the dark closet while he worked on his book which is due this week (he's one chapter away), requiring the No Doze to keep him awake while working on it. The book manuscript looks like a mess from all the red pen marks and the correction fluid on it. And the blue glow is from his laptop of which he forgot the power chord (and had to order another one on line - for real). I need a Scooby snack.

Okay, that might sound a bit hokey, but with the exception of the brand names on the shoes, the rest of it is a fairly accurate description of this past month for me. I really love blog writing, but at the same time there was no way for me to keep up with the Lunchbox and finish this book project before the holidays. For those of you out there who I would regularly comment on your posts, please forgive me for disappearing. I will be back.

In the absence of posts on the Lunchbox, I thought it might be fun to showcase a number of the great blog writers under the guise of Clark's disappearance. There's about 10 more others I could've asked but will hit you all up when I'm under the gun again.

For those who graciously took up the search with guest posts I am eternally grateful for your taking the time and to your regular readers for checking things out over here.

In the near future I will be back to writing my normal Lunchbox fair, to include some spin offs as a result of some of the guests posts (Steenky Bee, I'm looking at you). Unfortunately, my posting frequency may not be as much as what it used to be. Because of our economic situation (at home and abroad), writing gigs that pay will be taking priority. 

Over the holidays, I'm thinking about running a "12 days of Christmas" type series of either my more popular previous posts or new ones in the form of small book excerpts (feel free to weigh in on what you'd prefer). Bellieve it or not I will be driving cross country with 5 kids under the age of 9 for Christmas and New Years. The wife will be joining me along the way, but for a good portion of it, I'm on my own.  In any case, it's unlikey I'll see much of my computer during that stretch. You'll probably hear more from the Fit Dad as well as some product and children's book reviews handed my way. Other than that, I might get my hair colored, but I haven't decided.

Thank you again for going along with my inane scheme and a very special thanks to:

Deborah hanging near the wet bar at I Need A Martini Mom
Jim's Irregularly Periodic Ruminations
Jennifer the very Steenky Bee
Matt the one and only DC Urban Dad
Mary Anne who is very classy as The Stiletto Mom
Petra who is definitely The Wise (Young) Mommy
Braja who is both Lost and Found In India
Ed and his alter ego the Fit Dad
Tara's Sticky Fingers

And of course my lovely and very talented wife "Lois"

You are all...

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