Holy Crap! How'd That Happen

Have you ever taken a long trip somewhere and thought to yourself you'd never get there? The hours would drag and the miles seemed to count down one at a time, yet, odd as it might seem, you ended up at your destination with hardly any recollection of how it happened.

That was me, so to speak, last night as I started printing pages off for the book or essays I had planned to write. At first I looked at it and felt slightly depressed over the site of only a few pages; however, one ream of paper and 45 minutes later I actually had what appears to be my first draft, ready for editing (make that heavy editing, but editing of a draft nonetheless). I was so excited I missed dinner, and bounced around the house giving everyone high-fives.

Aside from the editing, adding a couple more pieces and hopefully finding an agent (any suggestions?), I'm 80% done and didn't even know it. It's like having a million dollar lottery ticket and not finding out till the last minute.

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