What an interesting week...
The clock is ticking as Ashley and I move closer to "Till Death Do Us Part." Only 8 days! Friends and family are on their way and we are making final preparations.
This was the last week of school for Allie who will be joining Avery for summer school, and I'm sure there will be just as much drama as usual as we try to get out the door in the mornings.
Today, Allie went into hysterics over the fact she didn't have a gift for her beloved school teacher (the families pitched in to get one big gift instead everyone bringing individual ones). As I settled that one, Avery decided to pee all over the floor and her school clothes... I had to pick out a new outfit which matched, but I don't think it quite fit...
And, I might get to spend two weeks with my boys this summer! Can't wait!
So here's what I found in Clark's Inbox this week....
The Wall Street Journal ran a review on Flander's Book of Faith written by Simpsons creator Matt Groening... the rundown in the article of a number of "Flanderisms" is hilarious, especially when you know people that act exactly like Ned.
From Out of Ur, I read an article on why Jesus didn't come to earth to teach us how to run a multi-billion dollar corporation, be a successful manager or build better returns on investment as a number of well-meaning Christian business leaders have suggested in numerous books (several of which I've read). Author Chris Blumhofer takes the issue to task in Jesus is not a CEO.
With this past Monday being Memorial Day, my father sent me a great site called What Kind of World Do You Want which supports a number of charities to include: Augie's Quest, Autism Speaks, Save the Children, Fisher House Foundation and Operation Homefront. Take a moment to learn more and then watch the videos posted there by Five For Fighting and others.

I've been getting a number of comments and even emails from readers all over the world so I wanted to start featuring blogs from new Lunchbox subscribers I've heard from this past week so I can introduce them to other readers. This week I have two new readers to spotlight:
- Calling All Aliens by Helen G. She's a Christian mum from England with a passion for kookiness and...
- Grandma Julia's beautifully written blog My Life at Ninety: Looking Back & Moving On
If you get a chance stop by their sites & say hello.
Reader's Poll! - Don't forget to vote on March & April's favorite post which can be found on the front page right under my profile. Only 2 Days Left!!!