What Superhero Would You Be?

Ya, I was a sucker for this when I saw it, but I'll admit I was thrilled to find out that it actually scientifically matched me as being closest in personality to my favorite superhero. My testimony alone should suffice in authenticating the irrefutability of this test. So which one are you? Follow the link and find out, then let me know!
Keep in mind this is a "values and personality" based test (so the fact that it matched me with 4 women means nothing). My results ranked by percentage were as follows:

90% SUPERMAN "Strong, Mild-mannered, Always looking to help others" (Hey, the survey's words, not mine!)

85% Spiderman (I don't have the angst, plus my girlfriend isn't a ditz - quite the contrary!)

62% Robin (I'm nobodies sidekick. Note the big drop in %)

60% Hulk (I only get this way when counting sheep or when I run out of TP mid-mission)

50% Supergirl (I'm guessing the 40% difference from her cousin is because I'm not a girl)

50% Green Lantern (I think he's a wuss. His power comes from a fashion accessory... a ring)

40% Wonder Woman (I wish I had an invisible jet)

40% Flash (It's the fact we're both smart mouths)

40% Iron Man (I have no clue - He's a Marvel Comics guy not DC)

25% Catwoman (Has to be a tie to my leather body outfit fetish)

20% Batman (My son Noah will be disappointed but I guess I'm just not a vengeful guy)

Here's the link for you: http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/

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